Project Title Climate Change Smart Agriculture and Food Security Project
Activities and budget
- The goal of this project is: to improve the livelihoods of farming community communities through sustainable farming practices in the COMESA Region . The specific objectives are:
Objective 1
1. To increase the adaptive capacity 65 000 male and female households to Climate change and its effects.
Activity 1: Tree planting and tree care
- Community mobilisation and site identification in three districts of Zambia
- Conduct trainings in tree planting and tree nursery establishment
- Establish tree nurseries of more than 5000 seedlings in the three districts of Zambia
- Conduct tree planting in three districts of Zambia
- Tree care and maintenance and regular monitoring visits
- Capacity building in carbon trading and other CC related techniques
- Conduct training in producing crafts not using forests products
- Conduct training in sustainable use of forest products at community level.
Activity 2 Organic and Permaculture nutrition gardens
- Conduct capacity building of communities in organic and Permaculture nutrition gardens establishment.
- Provide SSFs high yielding, flood, drought and disease resistant seed varieties for planting and further multiplication
- Establish demo-sites for CC adaptation showing water harvesting and organic nutrition soil improvement techniques
- Provide tools and other inputs for labour reduction, CC adaptation and improving agricultural production
- Conduct learning visits for farmers to project sites with good practices
- In partnership with the relevant government departments and other stakeholders, provide technical backstopping
- Provide extension services in sustainable ELUM systems including organic conservation farming and Agroforestry
- Conduct training in organic gardening as a business.
2. To harmonise knowledge and skills in climate smart agriculture among CSOs and government institutions in COMESA region
Activity 1
- To promote successful marketing mechanisms for increased household income
- Conduct trainings and provide technical backstopping in PMCA and other market access methods for implementing members and other project partners
- Provide support for platforms bringing the different chain actors of the selected value chains together
- Conduct training and provide support for production for the market: business management, marketing, record keeping, leadership and financial management
- Conduct training/exposure visits in post harvest handling of garden produce
- Support the establishment of low-cost processing units for value addition
Objective 3
3. To improve coordination and learning among stakeholders including government institutions.
Private sector. CSOs and extension service providers.
- Conduct research on technologies that conform to CC smart agriculture
- Build capacity of extension staff on organic CC smart gardening initiatives in conjunction with governments
- Support and facilitate trained staff to provide extension services to SSFs on organic CC smart nutrition gardening technologies
- Publish one reading manual on organic nutrition gardening as it relates to climate change.